Thursday, May 10, 2007

In the name of hip

I understand how it must sound, when I say I'm sick of being judged by the ignorant, the pretentious and the lazy - especially all rolled into one. I'm tired of mouths that can never be shut, especially with nothing to say. I'm tired of rubbing shoulders with the filth and looking the other way, all in the name of kindness and civility. I'm tired of ignoring huge, immense, ridiculous gaps that keep showing up between grand words and foolish deeds. I think I must be extremely old-fashioned in believing in the virtue of silence over pretentious ignorance. Or, in simpler terms, believing that you should keep quiet when you know shit about shit. But I am amazed and tired of the general apathy & consent, the silent acceptance of idiocy - all the name of hip. Because it's all about being hip. Being hip stands up for the absence of many things - including hard work, intelligence, talent - or just a sense of purpose.
It scares me to think that 50 or 60 years from now people will look back at our generation as one with very little to show in terms of such things - in contrast with a big mouth and an unwavering belief in its own God-given right to fame and recognition. For what? Your guess is as good as mine...
All in the name of hip.

Into starlight.